January 1st, 2021.
Copyright © • 1968-2021 by the British Railway Modellers of North America (BRMNA) • All rights reserved.
The current version of these references is the result of contributions from two sources. First, a number of BRMNA members have made significant contributions: Mark Stapleton, Ron Smith, Humphrey Bryson, Herbert Holland, Tony Woodward, Bill Lovatt, Bob Wilkes, Michael Gray, Ron Price and Ian Kemp. Second, additional contributions have come through a cooperative initiative with the Gauge O Guild whereby their efforts have been integrated with those from BRMNA.
The range of magazines that are currently covered is extensive. Despite that, there are gaps and more magazines to cover so please let me know what you would be willing to do - remember, many hands make light work! If you would like to help expand this index then please contact the web manager indicating the magazines and the time periods you would be prepared to cover. I can handle your contributions in most formats. I prefer the information to be provided in electronic form with a current preference for MS Excel or Lotus files. Each reference should contain the required information. I will maintain a register of who is doing what and of current coverage to reduce the risk of duplicating the effort.
Please contact the web manager with corrections or ideas on how to improve the organisation and utility of the index.
While planned, searching is currently not driven by a search engine. Instead, the references have been organised into a number of categories and sub-categories to make each of the pages more manageable and to make searching simpler.