The OO/HO track and track components list

(May 2nd, 2024)

Note: This is the 160th update of this page.

Note: Unless otherwise stated track, turnouts and crossings are code 100.

No.Item descriptionPrice
Straight Track
PW173Atlas Straight 1/3 track section$1.00
PW184Atlas Bumper track - 4 @$2 each
NR163Uncoupler ramp$1.00
PW177Hornby R600 Straight 2/3 track sections 4 @$0.50 each
Curved Track
PW164Atlas 18ins radius curves 29 @$0.25 each
PW165Atlas 18ins radius curve power connector$0.50
PW167Atlas 18ins radius 1/3 curve 5 @$1 each
PW168Hornby R605 15ins radius curves 8 @$2 each
Turnouts and Crossings
V1956Hand turnout throw$1.00
V1957Hand turnout throw$1.00
V1958Hand turnout throw$1.00
V1959Hand turnout throw$1.00
Track components
SD33Peco Uncoupler $3.00
SD34Peco Uncoupler $3.00
SD35Peco Uncoupler $3.00
SD36Peco Uncoupler $3.00
V1971HD/Trix uncoupler - unused$3.00
DL141Kadee #312 - magne-matic uncouplers, pair$5.00
V155KD track gauge$3.00
V1953T-Cup recessed toggle switch mount, unopened - 5 units each @$2.00
V1954Fast Tracks BF003 18ins control rod kit, unopened - 4 units each @$3.00
ES420Juneco C2 CP bumper - unopened$1.00
ES560NS railjoiners (20) Code 55 - unused$2.00
ES559Peco SL110 Rail joiners Code 75 - unopened$3.00
ES552ME 26-071 uninsulated Railjoiners (12) code 70 - unopened$2.00
TH3367Switch stand$2.00